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Interim Report on the Renewal Strategy for Jobs and Growth

4.0 Summary

Moving Forward

There is renewed confidence in the province�s economy. We have made good progress in strengthening and diversifying our economy. We should take pride in our accomplishments.

However, challenges remain, and we still have critical choices to make. The right choices will propel us forward. The wrong choices will stall or reverse the gains we have already made. The people of this province recognize this fundamental point.

"What is needed is a vision that is shared and understood by all, the leadership to achieve it and a strategy that is inclusive of our outport communities."

- Dr. Hilary Rodriques,IAS Committee for Agrifoods

The comments heard during the consultation process have been and will continue to be considered as we recommit to and renew our jobs and growth agenda. As we go forward, our strategy must continue to be based on the following principles:

  • Government has a major role to play as a catalyst for growth in strategic areas - yet we cannot be all things to all people. We must focus on opportunities that hold the most potential for the province. And we must focus on engaging our people and businesses throughout the province.

  • The private sector is the engine of our economy. But businesses can only drive the economy when government creates an environment conducive to success and growth. Thus we must focus on creating the right environment.

  • Education and engagement of our youth are two important keys to our continued growth. We are committed to providing an effective and responsive education and training system for all our people. We are also committed to fully engaging youth in the process of shaping our future.

  • New ways of advancing the economy through effective partnerships are essential to maintain our forward momentum and ensure the benefits are shared by all.

  • Development happens in communities throughout the province. We must look to ways to increase the capacity of communities to encourage growth, both economically and socially.

  • Government is already moving on some of the ideas brought forward in these consultations, as priorities for action. Others will follow over the coming months.

  • We must now reach out and seize the opportunities before us. The foundations are in place and we have the benefit of momentum. We need to focus, we need to work together, and we must never stand still.

Securing Our Future Together

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