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Interim Report on the Renewal Strategy for Jobs and Growth

1.0 Introduction

Background and Context

As we enter the 21st century, we enjoy the benefit of economic momentum that we have not experienced in some time. This comes on the heels of unprecedented challenges thrust our way over the past decade. The most significant of these, unquestionably, was the collapse of the groundfish industry and the resulting moratorium in 1992. This event alone had a profound economic and social impact on the entire province. It forced us to reconsider our future as never before.

But we are a resilient and a creative people. We confronted the challenges head on with a renewed sense of determination, and we are now harvesting the benefits, both in a diversified fishery and a more diversified economy.

"What is needed now is a renewed plan which will build on the successes we have already achieved and take us forward into the 21st century."

-Premier Brian Tobin

Today, we are leading the country in economic growth, job creation and new investment in our economy. Net outmigration is slowing significantly. Exports are expanding rapidly. Our fiscal house has been put in order. The economy is being successfully transformed and is much more diversified than it was even five years ago.

However, significant challenges remain. We still have an unacceptably high unemployment rate. We need to continue to address the outmigration situation, especially among our youth. We need to ensure that all regions of this province share in the recovery of our economy. We also need to ensure that all our people have an opportunity to participate productively in the economy � that they have meaningful jobs and the ability to provide for themselves and their families.

Renewing the Economic Agenda - Jobs and Growth

It is in this context that the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador embarked on a consultation process in September 1999 to renew the province�s economic agenda � more commonly known as the jobs and growth agenda. The goal is to build on our current momentum � and to re-energize our efforts to ensure the momentum is not lost. It is critical that the province keep pace with and adapt to the ever changing global economy. We must look ahead to capture new opportunities that are emerging. We must ensure our long-term strategy remains sound, effective and clearly focused.

Purpose of this Report

This report provides an update on where we are with the overall process of renewing the jobs and growth agenda. It outlines the major themes and key messages we heard through the consultations and focuses on some initial priorities that government intends to pursue.

Considerable work lies ahead in more fully digesting what we heard, assessing it, and synthesizing it into a renewed framework to guide the jobs and growth agenda over the long term.

As an interim report, this document should not be viewed as a detailed inventory of what was heard or how government intends to respond comprehensively to the consultations. It is as its title conveys - an interim report. A full report will be available in the coming months.

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